Every year, I feel this refreshing sense of new beginnings. It lends itself to a desire for more out of life. Instinctively, I am pushed towards creating a list of impossible goals. Then, I reel myself back in and settle on 11 attainable goals. Like most, I tend to forget these goals, and I find myself yet again at the end of a year and at the beginning of another. Inspired, I make another list which will be forgotten.
However, this year, I am holding myself accountable to you: the reader. By putting this list on the ever-growing and privacy destroying internet, I am solidifying goals. Hopefully, this will make me more driven to remember what it was I wanted. How is it we forget what it is we want? Easy: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.
My List:
1. Exercise. How? 3 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) cardio, 2 days a week, (Monday, Wednesday) strength and stretching. I will give myself some flexibility due to being a mom.
2. Take one class (or read a blog) a week in photography. The goal is to learn one thing I didn’t know, or I didn’t know how to do well.
3. Make one new dish a month. I would say one new dish a week, but that’s pushing it.
4. Become a coupon clipper phenom. I want to save as much money as I possibly can on food.
5. Keep a daily schedule. I am already pretty good at this, but I want to get better.
6. Eat healthy. I am TERRIBLE at drinking enough water. If I could only drink 8 glasses a water a day, I would consider this a success on this goal.
7. Pick one month to photograph everyday. nuff said.
8. Start a garden. My husband and I want to start an organic garden this year. We have tried this in the past, but this year, I’m going to plan better so it will be more fruitful.
9. Finish projects I keep putting off. This goal in and of itself will keep me busy.
10. Work towards becoming completely debt free. Just takes discipline.
11. The most important goal of all: Do everything I can do, with God’s strength and wisdom, to be the best wife and mother I can be daily. I want to focus on how I can serve my Lord, my husband, and my son by using the gifts God has given me.
Ok….there it is. I must say that I am extremely excited about this! Now, the trick is to stay excited about it daily. I’ll keep you posted. 🙂
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